Sunday, November 1, 2015

A Broken Record...

Yes, almost another complaint about the weather. Rather pointless, really, because this is November in Michigan. It is going to be cool/cold, rainy and blustery. Not ideal boat building conditions. So, no, I'm not going to carry on about the recent weather because right now, the weather doesn't matter.

Having decided to turn Gardens this coming week, my recent concerns with the weather and whether I can get done what I wanted to get done "in time" (whatever that meant) have faded away. My immediate concerns now are lining up the help I think I need and preparing (cleaning up) the boat bay.

Deke's Pathfinder build in the Florida Keys provided some inspiration and encouragement yesterday. He turned his hull over - apparently by himself! I suspect five or six guys ought to be able to turn Gardens on Friday.


  1. Why not make it a little party Bob. You could turn her over by yourself... but that is boring. haha. Give your friends a chance to help. It is a nice milestone.

    1. I figured it out today, while Tom seems to have turned his Pathfinder over by himself, there is no way I can do that. I am also doubtful that four of us can do it (we're all retired guys who aren't as hale and hearty as we think we are). Yes, we are planning to make it a party - pulled pork, coleslaw, baked beans, beverages - but I am working at getting more help so it is fun instead of work.

  2. Hope the inverting goes well, have you built a rolling frame for the occasion?

    1. No, Denis, no rolling frame for the occasion. We'll muscle it over. We'll see how it goes today.
