Friday, July 14, 2017

Centerboard Case Rebuild

Today I stopped thinking about the centerboard case remediation and began the project by cutting off the top of the case. I used a 4½" circular saw for the lengthwise cuts (it worked well).

The next step is to fit and install plywood doublers to the sides to take the case back to original dimensions. I will add packers fore and aft as needed. Additional seat-top support material will be installed as needed to make up for the support lost to the plywood doublers. A new cap will be added after the centerboard itself is installed.

It is difficult to cut a chunk out of your boat - even when you know it has to be done. (Had to be done because I went off plan for the centerboard lifting arrangement and the case design.)

As for the interior paint - at least as far as the bilges and inside of the hull are concerned - I like the three coats of paint. I need to do some brush work in some nooks and crannies to tidy things up a bit, but I am also thinking another coat or two wouldn't hurt anything...

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