Back to work in the shop…
Work on the sail rig for Gardens began this past week. The boom will be of hollow-box construction with ½" pine top & bottom and 9mm (3/8") meranti plywood sides. Spacers and plugs will be pine.
The top & bottom will be milled from 1x2 stock tomorrow or Tuesday if it is warm enough to open the overhead door (not quite enough room in the shop to mill 12' stock without opening the door). There is enough plywood cut-offs from the planking to piece the sides of the boom together. Blanks for the spacers and plugs were milled from 2x3 stock and are to be cut to size and trimmed to shape (a bit of taper in the end plugs) prior to assembly sometime later this week (weather permitting). (Thursday's forecast calls for temperatures in the 50s, which means temperatures in the shop should be warm enough to resume epoxy work.)
Regardless of the weather, I plan to sew the mizzen sail this week (as that is an indoor project).
Good luck with the sewing!